Usability Research

As a market research company based in Montenegro we determine the optimal price for your product/concept.

Usability as a criterion.

Currently customers are overrun by innovative and outstanding products; therefore, usability has become a decisive criterion for the success of your product. Consumers do not want to have to learn a lot and invest a lot of time, they expect a high level of usability of the product, which is supposed to be “self-evident” and fun. How simple and self-evident the use of your product actually is, can be determined by observing people who are using your product the first time.

If you want to be successful it is inevitable to strive for the well-being of your users/customers. Therefore, usability should play an important role from an early stage on. How comprehensive and easy the usability of your product actually is, is something we investigate for you within the usability research.

Based on years of experience we differentiate between various product type.

Use our experience as an international market research company and request our expertise today. Contact us for more information and to request a quotation.

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