Product Test

Determines the optimal price for your product/concept.

We ask from very beginning the right questions to be successful on the market.

  • Is there a market for the product, if yes which one is it?
  • Are there similar products on the market, if yes what appeals to the customers?
  • What do the potential customers expect from the product?
  • What target group should be addressed for the product, and how should they be addressed?
  • Does the target group buy the product for that price and quality?
  • What market share can the product achieve?

A product test cannot only evaluate the perception of your product within the target groups, but can also evaluate the utilization and usage of your product.

Here the potential target group becomes test persons to test the product or part of it, such as the packaging, the usability, or the product taste. This allows you to obtain significant insights in order to correctly place your product on the market.

It is often recommended to conduct a product test before and after market introduction.

Use our experience as an international market research company and request our expertise today. Contact us for more information and to request a quotation.

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